»CL6:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- »CL0: We Are Sorry II »CL6:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Written by »CL5:Darkhawk »CL6:of »CL5:IRIS »CL1:So sorry, so sorry.. Ahh yes, once again (for the second time, actually), we have this article in the EC. The purpose of it is to apologize to various people for all the inconsistencies and errors we blatantly commit in each issue, »CL8:because we cannot be bothered to be professional journalists, we cannot be bothered to do research, and we cannot be bothered to be too objective or accurate.. »CL1:Ahemm, we can, however, be bothered to apologize for our »CL1:mistakes, and we can even admit to these mistakes publicly, because this will create one more article for the mag.. Uhh.. I mean.. Let us just see what we have of apologies to make for the Eurochart #43. »CL7:First off, in my rather big MS Production review, there was at least one error. »CL1:In the review of Artifictional by Secretly, while I was evilly comparing their 3D engine to something not very flattering (eheeh), I wrote: "What reminds me of Quest are the 'jumping' textures in Scicco's 3D engine (..)".. No no, how could I say something as preposterously wrong as this? Giving the wrong guy the blame? Stingray wrote me and corrected me, because, in fact, he was the one coding the engine, not poor Scicco. So, my apologies guys! »CL8:The biggest mistake we (or ok, I will admit it - it was I alone) made, was the thing we wrote about 3 Amigos and Exploder, in my MS report. »CL1:Seems like I have listened too much to rumours, without verifying them, and I am sorry for that. I wrote that their demo was likely ripped from Exploders sources, due to various facts, but I was wrong, it was a legitimate Exploder production, sorry. I also wrote that Exploder had sold his Amiga, and ehrr, this was not true either. I really should not be listening to rumours as uncritically as that. Sorry Exploder! And thanks to the people pointing this out to me. »CL7:Then there were, as Azzaro also pointed out in regards to EC 42, some errors in the news and grouplisting of people. While I do not think it is that terrible a mistake, if we do not know right away that a scener in 4 groups joins 3 new groups and quits 2 at the same time, »CL1: it's of course not something we aim to do, and we try to be as up to date as possible, although it might slip. So, for the sake of completeness.. »CL1:Makak was not in Terror 13 when we wrote he was, Reed was in Damage and TRSI, Modem was in Trinity, not Darkage (although he has rejoined Darkage by now), and Kempy left Moons a long time ago. »CLA: Sorry! »CL1:If you spot an error in the EC, please do write us about it, because, well, it is way easier for you all to spot these errors, and quite easy for us to correct, so we would appreciate your help, and we won't feel grumpy when you tell us we made a mistake :)